Post Tagged with: "food"

  • 7 Portuguese dishes you should try

    7 Portuguese dishes you should try

    When you travel, food is not just for satisfying your hunger. It is part of the adventure, it is completely soaking up the culture and creating memories. If you are heading to Portugal and want to give the foodie in you a feast, here’s a list of the meals that you should not miss: Francesinha Originally from Porto, this meal Read More

  • The taste of Europe: Italy, France, Spain

    The taste of Europe: Italy, France, Spain

    When you are visiting a country, it is extremely important to receive the full experience of the nation and culture. A huge part of this sensation is the native cuisine. This is why we decided to create a couple of articles to point out the most important dishes that you need to try when you are visiting and European country Read More

  • 5 international Christmas meals to try this winter

    5 international Christmas meals to try this winter

    Christmas might be the most classical family holiday, which makes us remember our traditions and local cultural habits, but there’s nothing bad in trying something new. Why not trying various traditional Christmas meals from other regions instead of sticking to the rules and habits you have in your own? This is a good way to get closer to other cultures Read More

  • 5 London Foods You Must Try

    5 London Foods You Must Try

    You don’t need us to tell you that London is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. In fact, with over 15 million visitors from around the world every year, there’s a good chance quite a few of you have already had the pleasure of seeing the London Eye and Buckingham Palace. Now, we are not going Read More

  • 10 delicious Bulgarian meals you should try

    10 delicious Bulgarian meals you should try

    Bulgarian cuisine is the one you should definitely try because of its rich flavor and variety of fresh meals. Bulgaria shares a number of meals with the Greek, Middle Eastern and even Italian cuisine but add its own unique touch and flavor. Furthermore, the great climate conditions, farming traditions and variety of herbs make the Bulgarian cuisine rich of vegetables Read More


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The idea of Hello My Holiday is to present traveling as a way of life. Every place in the world has a different emotion, which generates feelings and sensations in us. Anyone can decide to travel, but not everyone knows what feeling will give him his chosen destination.

Hello My Holiday offers the possibility to feel the mood of your chosen destination and of course helpful information about hotels, accessories and everything we need for a perfect vacation.

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The Hello My Holiday Team


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