Post Tagged with: "2016"

  • Top 6 Budget-Friendly Destinations for 2016

    Top 6 Budget-Friendly Destinations for 2016

    Sometimes, when planning a vacation, it`s not the destination or the activity plan you choose, but the deal you succeed to make. Getting an awesome and affordable offer for a splendid time away from work and from home can be super exciting and healthy experience. But finding budget-friendly destinations in our world isn’t that easy. Today, we are focusing your Read More

  • Top 10 cities to visit in 2016

    Top 10 cities to visit in 2016

    2016 is just in its beginning and what better time of the year to start planning your next holiday. Luckily, Lonely Planet has some great recommendations for top 10 cities to visit in 2016. Get your travel plans for the next year ready with the following travel treasures: 1. Kotor, Montenegro Kotor is a small picturesque gem in Montenegro. Its Read More

  • Top 10 countries to travel to in 2016

    Top 10 countries to travel to in 2016

    What better way to start the New Year than planning a next adventure? And you are lucky because we have amazing ideas for you. Lonely Planet’s list of top 10 countries to travel to in 2016 is already here and we can’t wait to present it to you. Here is our quick guide to the top 10 countries to travel to in Read More

  • The best places in the world to travel to in 2016

    The best places in the world to travel to in 2016

    Lonely Planet recently presented its long awaited annual ranking of the best places in the world to travel in 2016. The top three hottest destinations from the key categories are very undiscovered places but surprisingly interesting. But enough said. We decided to show you in depth the top places in the world to travel in 2016 and here they are: Read More

  • 7 tips for spending the perfect New Year Eve abroad

    7 tips for spending the perfect New Year Eve abroad

    New Year`s Eve is quite soon and near, so you might be one of those millions of exciting people, who are already planning the best experience for the party night ever. Of course, suggestions and ideas are numerous, but the point is to start the New Year with something new, probably in a completely new environment. Even without being so Read More


A Little About Us!

The idea of Hello My Holiday is to present traveling as a way of life. Every place in the world has a different emotion, which generates feelings and sensations in us. Anyone can decide to travel, but not everyone knows what feeling will give him his chosen destination.

Hello My Holiday offers the possibility to feel the mood of your chosen destination and of course helpful information about hotels, accessories and everything we need for a perfect vacation.

The Hello My Holiday team is proud that day after day gain more trust of our customers and this gives us the confidence to go forward!

Big Thanks to all of You!

The Hello My Holiday Team


Guest Blogging

We believe that everyone deserves a playing field, so if you need to tell or describe a place or product corresponding to one of the categories of Hello My Holiday you are more than welcome.

We will gladly publish interesting and entertaining articles with a length between 500 and 800 words, plus a photo and a link to your website or profile on a social network.
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The Hello My Holiday team