
  • The best places in the world to travel to in 2016

    The best places in the world to travel to in 2016

    Lonely Planet recently presented its long awaited annual ranking of the best places in the world to travel in 2016. The top three hottest destinations from the key categories are very undiscovered places but surprisingly interesting. But enough said. We decided to show you in depth the top places in the world to travel in 2016 and here they are: Read More

  • 10 of the Least Popular Destinations in Europe

    10 of the Least Popular Destinations in Europe

    Whether a political conflict, or some social issues, there is always a factor that makes some European countries not as attractive as French cuisine, Italian modern and retro architecture or the stylish English area. These are the 10 of the least popular destinations in Europe, according to Orbitz travel blog, you might underestimate, as well, but you shouldn’t. 1. Belarus Read More

  • 6 Really Annoying Scams to Avoid During Your Holiday

    6 Really Annoying Scams to Avoid During Your Holiday

    When it comes to a holiday, contemporary tourists really prefer to visit a place they have never seen. When the boarders are open, it is more exciting to skip the old place you are used to relax at, but to go to a country or city you have never been before. Indeed, this experience is quite enriching and amazing, but Read More

  • 10 signs you really need a vacation from work

    10 signs you really need a vacation from work

    Whether your boss is trying to make you to take few days-off or you are feeling like going to visit your parents for a week, there is a reason why people need to get rest. You cannot work all the time. You can’t and you don’t have to. Sometimes, though, it becomes your own big problem to decide if you Read More

  • Top 5 destinations that can be better during winter than summer

    Top 5 destinations that can be better during winter than summer

    Are you a travel junkie? Of course you are! Are you tired of trying to hold on to the memory of summer, even though we’re well into December? Well, we’re here to show you why winter destinations can be just as awesome as summer ones! Here is our list of the top 5 destinations that can be better during winter than Read More

  • AERODIUM – the technology of happiness near Sofia, Bulgaria

    AERODIUM – the technology of happiness near Sofia, Bulgaria

    Have you ever wanted to fly? Well, if you are headed to Sofia, Bulgaria for a business or leisure visit, you can make your dream come true with Aerodium – the Technology of happiness, also known as a vertical wind tunnel that gives you the indescribable sensation of flying. This is one of the best adrenaline filled adventures you can Read More

  • 7 tips for spending the perfect New Year Eve abroad

    7 tips for spending the perfect New Year Eve abroad

    New Year`s Eve is quite soon and near, so you might be one of those millions of exciting people, who are already planning the best experience for the party night ever. Of course, suggestions and ideas are numerous, but the point is to start the New Year with something new, probably in a completely new environment. Even without being so Read More

  • 5 international Christmas meals to try this winter

    5 international Christmas meals to try this winter

    Christmas might be the most classical family holiday, which makes us remember our traditions and local cultural habits, but there’s nothing bad in trying something new. Why not trying various traditional Christmas meals from other regions instead of sticking to the rules and habits you have in your own? This is a good way to get closer to other cultures Read More

  • The most beautiful Christmas markets in Europe to visit this December

    The most beautiful Christmas markets in Europe to visit this December

    December is all about Christmas, right? Everything around us seems to get more beautiful and stylish – including the old, but gold markets! What is the most amazing thing about them is that they bring Christmas spirit much earlier than Christmas`s Eve does. In Europe, going to Christmas market is a great tradition that most people still like and add Read More

  • 5 Beautiful Little Towns in France

    5 Beautiful Little Towns in France

    If you want to discover France, then go to the small towns of the country. There are hundreds of small towns in France that are not only attractive but also have scenic beauty too. They are too small to be listed in tourist destination guides but their markets, shops and cafes have a lot to offer you once you are Read More


A Little About Us!

The idea of Hello My Holiday is to present traveling as a way of life. Every place in the world has a different emotion, which generates feelings and sensations in us. Anyone can decide to travel, but not everyone knows what feeling will give him his chosen destination.

Hello My Holiday offers the possibility to feel the mood of your chosen destination and of course helpful information about hotels, accessories and everything we need for a perfect vacation.

The Hello My Holiday team is proud that day after day gain more trust of our customers and this gives us the confidence to go forward!

Big Thanks to all of You!

The Hello My Holiday Team


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We believe that everyone deserves a playing field, so if you need to tell or describe a place or product corresponding to one of the categories of Hello My Holiday you are more than welcome.

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The Hello My Holiday team